Welcome to the Minnesota State Auctioneers Association

Summer Bi-Annual Meeting will be Sunday, July 26 2020

Due to public exposure at the rodeo and concerns of meeting this summer, the board decided to move 2020 Summer Bi-annual MSAA meeting to be held on July 26th at Peg and Frank Imholte’s farm, 8160 Co Rd 138, St Cloud. We ask people to only come if they are healthy. We thank and acknowledge people who are staying away due to health concerns. Please respect each other’s space concerns. Wearing masks is encouraged.

Our day will be shorter and will include that business which is necessary to take care of at the Bi-annual Meeting.

9:00 a.m. Audit meeting Judd Grafe and John Schultz

Please arrive at 9:45 a.m. for 10:00 START

10:00 a.m. Talk by NAA Rep. John Schultz on Covid-19

11:30 a.m. Lunch

You must register for catered lunch for an accurate count by July 20th to Frank at Frank@SolditatAuction.com There will be no Potluck this year. Hall of Fame for Auxiliary and Auctioneers meet separately during lunch

12:30 Bi-Annual Meeting (if possible will have zoom available)

Email to register for lunch

Email Tammy@UCBoldNorth.com for Zoom meeting option 72 hrs ahead of the meeting.

Join The MSAA

The Minnesota State Auctioneers Association is an organization of auctioneers and auction professionals. With the support of its membership, the association works to promote the auction profession.